Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Praise and exalt God above all forever.

All you works of God, praise our God.
Praise and exalt God above all forever.
All you angels, sing God’s praise,
You heavens and waters above.
Sun and moon, and stars of heaven,
Sing praise with the heavenly hosts.

Every shower and dew, praise our God.
Give praise all you winds.
Praise our God, your fire and heat,
Cold and chill-dew and rain.
Frost and chill, praise our God.
Praise God, ice and snow.
Nights and days, sing hymns of praise,
light and darkness,
lightnings and clouds.

Let all the earth bless our God.
Praise and exalt God above all forever.
Let all that grows from the earth give praise
Together with mountains and hills.
Give praise you springs,
You seas and rivers,
Dolphins and all water creatures.
Let birds of the air,-
beasts wild and tame,
together with all living peoples,
praise and exalt God above all forever.

O Israel praise our God.
Praise and exalt God above all forever
Give praise, you priests,
servants of the Most High,
spirits and souls of the just.
Holy ones of humble heart,
sing your hymns of praise.
Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, praise our God.
Praise and exalt God above all forever.

Daniel 3: 57-88

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