Senin, 12 Desember 2016

Bless Our God, All Creation!

You are tender and compassionate, Adonai-
                slow to anger, and always loving;
Your indignation doesn’t endure forever,
                and your anger lasts only for a short time.
You never treat us as our sins deserve;
                You don’t repay us in kind for the injustices we do.
For as high as heaven is above the earth,
                so great is the love for those who revere you.
As far away as the east is from the west,
                that’s how far you remove our sins from us!
As tenderly as parents treat their children,
                that’s how tenderly you treat your
                                worshipers, Adonai!
For you know what we are made of-
                You remember that we’re nothing but dust.
We last no longer than grass,
                live no longer than a wildflower;
One gust of wind and we’re gone,
                never to be seen again.
Yet your love lasts from age to age
                for those who revere you, Adonai,
As does your goodness to our children’s children,
                and to those who keep your Covenant
                and remember to obey your precepts.
You have established your judgment seat in the heavens,
                and your reign extends over everything.
Bless Our God, you angels,
                You powers who do God’s bidding,
                attentive to every word of command!
Bless Our God, you heavenly host,
                You faithful ones who enforce God’s will!
Bless Our God, all creation,
                to the far reaches of God’s reign!
Bless Adonai, my soul!

                                                                                                                Psalm 103 : 8-22

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